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Vítejte ve WordPressu 6.1

WordPress 6.1

Tato stránka zdůrazňuje některé z nejvýznamnějších změn produktu od vydání WordPress 6.0 z května 2022.

Najdete zde také zdroje pro vývojáře a každého, kdo hledá hlubší porozumění WordPressu.

WordPress 6.1

Nový výchozí motiv založený na 10 různých variantách stylu

Nové výchozí téma, Twenty Twenty-Tree, staví na základních prvcích ve verzích 5.9 a 6.0 pro bloková témata a variace stylů a obsahuje 10 různých stylů a je „Připraveno pro přístupnost“.

WordPress 6.1

Lepší prostředí pro tvůrce díky vylepšeným a dalším šablonám

Nové šablony zahrnují vlastní šablonu pro příspěvky a stránky v Editoru webu. Nástroje pro vyhledávání a nahrazování urychlují návrh součástí šablony.

The failure of the force-focus technique lies in old habits; it's like when we were told to read something as a child. We will do it, but because we were forced to do so, we purposefully won't retain the information, just to prove the point.

Why? Let's suppose a user went through the onboarding process and even listened to what they were told. This is not the case most of the time as it has been mentioned previously, but let's ignore that for now. People then use your app, but eventually it will be closed, after they finished with the task that required the app in the first place. Let's assume they won't use it again for a couple of days or even a couple of weeks. Users open it up again and then what? Are they going to be shown the onboarding screens again? By that point, they are basically a "new user" again, hence they would require your onboarding to understand how to use the app. The application — of course — treats them as returning users and won't explain anything. The users end up being confused at first and then frustrated, ultimately leaving the app behind.

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Maria Muszynska

I am an ambitious workaholic, but apart from that, pretty simple person. Whether it's branding, print, UI + UX I've got you covered. I strive to figure out the right solutions for your look to stand out amongst the rest.

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Russel Fernandes

3 hours ago.

Since our attention spans seem to be shrinking by the day — keeping it simple is more important than ever.

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Elizabeth Lord

1 day ago.

As aSpecial Education teacher this resonates so well with me. Fighting with gen ed teachers to flatten for the students with learning disabilities. It also confirms some things for me in my writing.

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